Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wired Differently: Quizbot # 3

Quizbot is a weekly quiz initiated by yours truly in an attempt to reach far out in everyone's quest for Curiosity. Besides, Quizzing is one of my hobbies and thanks to SEQC, now one of my passions.

Quizbot # 2 was more of a success than Quizbot # 1. Here, we continue with the Quizzing series with Quizbot # 3.

Set # 3

1. Space always amused this Inventor, who is also an architect. He is best known for amusing millions of people with his invention. Identify him.

2. Name this type if clothing, which also shares its name with an HTC cell phone. You would also connect this with a series of riots in the WW 2 era. Name.

3. Name this band, which in 2000, released an album which contained two colours in its title.

4. Name this geologist, who in his milestone book popularized the concept of dynamic forces shaping the earth. His book was so popular that Charles Darwin carried a copy along with him in his voyage.

5. In the end, as usual, the sitter. What does the word 'BASE' stand for in BASE Jumping?

Please post your answers in the comments section below.

Quizbot # 2 Answers and Scores:

The Second Set of Quizbot saw 14 responses, out of which 13 are accepted as answers. The Answes below:

1. Many got this one. It is Atari. (11/13 got it correct)
2. The great man is Max Planck, best known for his introduction of the 'Quantum.' (7/13 got it correct)
3. The city is none other than Casablanca! (6/13 got it correct)
4. Yes, the symbol is Radura. I've accepted a few responses where the purpose is mentioned. (11/13 got it correct)
5. Wanna be a Cyborg? (10/13 got it correct)

And now for the Scores:
1. Mangesh Sonawane - 5 (That's it, my friend!)
2. Aditthya - 4 (Great!)
3. Swapnil - 4 (Awsum!)
4. Shreehari - 4 (Great!)
5. Thiru - 3
6. Satya - 2
7. Dhruv Sharma - 2
8. Rajat Joshi - 1
9. Raghav - 4 (Rock On!)
10. Kapinjal - 5 (Waytago!)
11. PHS Quizzing Log (Akash) - 5 (Waytago!)
12. Vinayak - 4 (Awsum!)
13. Jeevan - 3

Link to the previous Set: Quizbot Set # 2

Thanks for the response, and Keep Quizzing!



  1. 1) Erno Rubik (easy peasy)
    2) Oompa loompa?
    3) Backstreet boys
    4) Another easy one, Charles Lyell
    5) Buildings, Antennae, Spans and Earth

  2. 1.erno rubik.....made rubik cube..
    5.Building Antenna Span and earth

  3. 1. Erno Rubik
    2. Wild fire
    3. backstreet boys
    4. Charles Lyell
    5. buildings antennae spans and earth

  4. 1.Erno Rubik (need i say more)
    2.Zuit Suit
    3.Backstreet Boys
    4.Charles Lyall
    5.Buildings, Antennae, Earth and spans.

  5. Answer 1: Erno Rubik
    Answer 2: Zoot Suit
    Answer 3: Backstreet Boys
    Answer 4: Sir Charles Lyell
    Answer 5: Building, Antenna, Span, Earth
    (PS. The sender is Raghav)

  6. 1. rubik's cube.
    2. zoot suit.
    3. backstreet boys.

    5.buildings, antennae, spans (bridges), and earth (cliffs).

  7. 1.greg hancock.
    2.ZOOT suits.
    4.charles yell.
    5.buildings,antannae,spans and earth.

    varun "vroom"

  8. 2. Zoot suit
    4. Charles Lyll
    5. Buildings, Antannae, Spans, Earth
